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Package bees


I have a few packages coming in on Thursday and it looks like the weather will be turning cooler. My question is should I go ahead and install them Thursday afternoon with the temps forecasted to fall into the upper 30's Friday night or wait till Saturday. Just seems like a lot of time to keep them in the packages. And if  I do go ahead and install them Thursday should I shake them in over the queen or put the queen between the frames and let the bees do what bees do and come out of the cage on there own.  I was originally going to add a extra empty deep and sit the cage inside open and close the hive.

I would install them Thursday.  The colony will cluster and protect the queen.  Any other ideas?

Install them Thursday and put the queen where she can be covered several bees deep. DO NOT leave an empty area in the hive. They will hang natural comb before using frames.

Ok so I should just shake them in?  Is that what your saying iddee? That way I don't have extra room.

If you let them walk out, set the package in the deep without a second box. Then remove the package the VERY next day and replace all frames. Two days may be too late.

Shaking or walkout, both work if done right.

Got my bees installed today. Within a few hours they was out getting to know there new home.  Can't wait till the queens get to laying.  A lot easier than I thought, I didn't even wear a vail. Not bad for a greenhorn!

Learning what needs to be done prior to doing makes life much easier. Congrats.

Ok so they have been in about 24 hours and bee bus cages have been removed. One thing I noticed today is the activity of one hive at the entrance is very busy and the other there isn't much going on. I wonder if there's a need for concern. All looks well inside though I haven't poked around in there due to the fact that the queen is still in the cages and the temps outside are cool. I think I'll give them till Sunday and go in and see if the queens have been released. What you guys think?

Also I started these hives with top feeders because of all the local be activity (I didn't want any robbing going on) but now I think I should have went with the boardman  feeders at least until the queens was laying  and the bees was bring in pollen and nectar. Does this sound right to you guys? I guess we live and learn.

Keith is having a public get-to-gether today at Beez Needz. It's just an info sharing time with refreshments. Come up and discuss your packages with other newbees and some oldtimers. It starts at 10:00 AM.