We  have a secretary!  Thank you Gray Furguson for volunteering until the elections!

Our speaker list for 2024!

August 6 the Randolph County Honey  Show during the day and

Shirley Harris our Apiary Inspector

for evening program

We will have a cover dish dinner for August!  Meeting starts at 6:30. Club will provide plates, napkins, eating utensils, cups, drinks.  Bring a dish to share!

September 3 Jody Moore

October 1 Matt Booth

November 5  Brandon Simmons: AI Queen breeding

Election of officers

December 3 The beekeepers ball/party Largest 50/50 raffle of the year! 

2025 speaker line up

January 2025

Wade Turner, NCSBA Regional Director on a state update

February 2025: Phil Uptmore

Using the Demaree method for increased honey production

March 2025: 

April 2025:

We will collect club dues at the December and January meetings. Club dues are only $10 per year.

Don’t forget our monthly 50/50 raffle that benefits the NC State  Apiary Endowment!  Bring items for others to enjoy!  Can we make December the largest raffle we’ve ever had?  Let’s try to have enough items so EVERY TICKET wins a prize.  Bring something fun to share.


We meet the first Tuesday each month. Doors open for chit chat at 6:30 and meetings start at 7 PM.

Our permanent location is 1001 South Fayetteville Street, Asheboro, NC 27203 .  (left hand set of doors)


Everyone is WELCOME! But letting us know how many are coming would be helpful for supply planning.


What’s Blooming in N.C.?

Click here for info on what blooms when in NC.


You can send pics, news articles, ETC. to the webmaster from the link at bottom of this page. All entries will be appreciated. Let’s get this site rolling.

Be sure to check out our latest club news on the tab Marked BEES IN THE NEWS

If you are no longer receiving club emails, that is because your emails have bounced and removed from the database.  Please send your current email to markcase@aol.com OR mark.h.case@gmail.com
Mark Case


Contact information for our North Carolina Bee Inspector is:

         Shirley Harris  Phone:  910-690-9555


If you need to reach an officer, please text Mark Case, President at

336-963-4756 with your needs and someone will be back to you as soon as we can.