Welcome to the world of bees
Name: Mark Case Phone: 336-963-4756, Cell: 336-963-4756
Services: Swarm Removals, colony removals from buildings, trap outs.
Name: Billy Miller Cell: +1(910) 787-7501
Services: Swarm Removals
Name: Ray Cashion Phone: 336-381-3733 work: 336-625-4616
Name: Stephen Moore Phone: (336) 653-6490
Name: Ken Carico Phone: 336-431-2687
Services: swarm removals
Name: John Pledger Phone: 336-906-0764
Name: Triad Bee Supply Phone: 336-475-5137
Ben Raymond
Cell: 336-302-6283
Service: Swarm removal
Name: Tommy Hayes Cell: 336-442-6859
Name: Bill Hedrick Cell: 336-404-4919
Name: Beez Needz Phone: (336) 431-2339
Name: Keith Elkes Cell: (336) 804-0973
Name: Craig Wolf Phone: 336-402-3798 Cell: 336-239-6325
Name: Dean Schultz Phone: 215-317-8609 southern Randolph County, Montgomery County, western Moore County We live on the county line.
Name: Wally Swaim Phone: 336-302-2708
Name: Tamara Trull
Cell: 336-964-9908